Barefoot Lunging Goggles Expert
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Barefoot Lunging Goggles Expert

Sale price€18,94 EUR

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The Barefoot Expert lunging glasses don't have rattling snap hooks, but rather an intelligent quick-change closure made of real leather.

Lunging wisely

"We thought about it and developed sensible lunging glasses. We first looked at conventional lunging glasses and the following bothered us:

The carabiner hooks that are used to fasten standard glasses constantly rattle and jingle and are therefore annoying.

Lunges can only be buckled in the middle, but in doing so they pull the bit out of the horse's mouth on the outer side, exerting increased pressure here, dulling the mouth and this effect also leads to incorrect aiding. (Of course, this also happens when lunging without a bit!)

We can do better:

The Barefoot Expert lunging glasses don't have rattling snap hooks, but rather an intelligent quick-change closure made of real leather.

The ring on which the lunge is attached can be rotated and moved to the side! This means it doesn't pull on the horse's mouth and the lungeing side can be easily changed on the fly. And all of this at a very fair barefoot price!

Material: leather/nylon

Length closed: 26 cm

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Wir, das ist das Team um Peter Pfister, seine Frau Meggi, Tochter Steffi, deren Mann Christoph Schade und ihren Töchtern Anna und Lina und ihrem Sohn Aaron. Gemeinsam betreiben wir das Pferdezentrum Meggi's Farm. Hier leben wir mit unseren Pferden. Hier betreuen wir unsere Gäste. Hier bilden wir Pferde aus und von hier aus starten wir zu unseren Kursen und Messen in ganz Deutschland und im Ausland.