Bitless bridle Bitless Bit
Bitless bridle Bitless Bit
Bitless bridle Bitless Bit
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Bitless bridle Bitless Bit

Sale price€29,95 EUR

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Top Qualität


Erstklassiger Support

  • versatile, bitless bridle
  • Impact variable - with or without leverage
  • extra flat, no tilting on the horse's mouth
  • for all riding styles
  • for riders who want to communicate with their horse in a gentle way

Without a bit, there is support and understanding between rider and horse

The Bitless Bit clips into your headpiece much like a bit or hackamore. When buckled in, the Bitless Bit lies flat against the horse's head and does not tilt. The tabs of the nose and chin straps are looped through external metal eyelets and therefore do not press on the horse's head. Help can be given precisely.
The Bitless Bit has no edges and is therefore very comfortable for the horse. Your signals or rein influences are mainly absorbed through your nose.
Reins can be buckled in different ways:
Level 1: In the large ring: gentlest impact
Level 2: In the quarter-circle area: medium impact
Level 3: In the small, lowest ring: strongest impact/li>
Once your horse has adjusted, you can ride any lesson with the Bitless Bit - slight leaning is possible.
The Bitless Bit enables many horses to have fine communication without a bit, even with:
Horses with wolf teeth or other dental problems
Horses with sensitive mouth gaps
Horses lying on the bit
Bit “sour” horses
...or riders who want to communicate with their horse in the gentlest way possible without cold metal in their mouth!
You also need a nose and chin strap to fix the Bitless Bit on the horse's nose.
Material: stainless steel
Delivered in pairs
A hackamore with leverage, like a bit, only belongs in safe and fair rider hands!

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Stefanie Socher
Biteles Bitt

Sehr angenehmes, weiches Leder, passt meinen Pferd perfekt, und Lieferung war früher da als erwartet.

Insgesamt zufrieden

Die Zäumung habe ich so eingestellt, dass der Anzug maximal besteht. Ich reite mein Jungpferd damit, da er kein Gebiss akzeptiert, er reagiert aber auf kleinste Hilfen und er läuft sehr fein damit. Zuvor hatte ich ein klassisches Hackamore in Gebrauch, was mir aber insgesamt zu grob schien. Wir sind sehr zufrieden damit. Einziges Manko, sollte man mal stark einwirken müssen, legen sich die Shanks nach außen um.

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