Problem-free handling of horses - Tips & Tricks from Peter Pfister - Vol. 1
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Tips and tricks from Peter Pfister
Volume 1 – Problem-free handling of horses
New edition
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Tips and tricks from Peter Pfister
Volume 1 – Problem-free handling of horses
Following on from the successful title: Ranch riding, an old riding style - rediscovered, the author Peter Pfister deals with problem situations in everyday dealings with horses in his new book.
Whether a horse can't be caught in the pasture, attacks people, causes problems when being shod or won't be bridled, Peter Pfister has advice. This book impresses with its clear structure, the description of many current case studies and their practice-oriented solutions. The author draws on a wealth of his own experiences, requests from those seeking help and experiences during his courses.
Peter Pfister is one of the most famous trainers in Germany. Through decades of experience, his many years of teaching courses at home and abroad and riding many horses, he has acquired enormous specialist knowledge. For him, the basis is always the orientation towards nature. Respect and respect for creatures characterize his work.
As a versatile trainer, he is at home in many saddles. He regularly delights audiences with his show performances.
This book is the first in a series of three. In the following volume the author will deal with problems when working on the ground and in Volume III he will deal with problems when working under saddle.
Author: Peter Pfister
150 pages, 120 color illustrations, 240 x 170 mm, bound
ISBN 978-3-275-01920-5
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Über uns
Wir, das ist das Team um Peter Pfister, seine Frau Meggi, Tochter Steffi, deren Mann Christoph Schade und ihren Töchtern Anna und Lina und ihrem Sohn Aaron. Gemeinsam betreiben wir das Pferdezentrum Meggi's Farm. Hier leben wir mit unseren Pferden. Hier betreuen wir unsere Gäste. Hier bilden wir Pferde aus und von hier aus starten wir zu unseren Kursen und Messen in ganz Deutschland und im Ausland.