Barefoot leather care/cleaner
Barefoot leather care/cleaner
Barefoot leather care/cleaner
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Barefoot leather care/cleaner

Sale price€13,95 EUR

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Barefoot leather care

Cares for and nourishes all types of leather and is particularly suitable for caring for open-pored leather types. Used regularly, it protects leather from external influences and maintains its elasticity.

Barefoot Leather Cleaner

Removes dirt and sweat very thoroughly. Easy to use - simply spray on, rub in lightly and remove residue.

Barefoot Leather Care & Leather Cleaner Cream and Spray

Barefoot saddles are made of nubuck leather or soft leather. Nubuck leather is slightly sanded on the grain side, giving it its velvety character, which is reminiscent of peach skin. Soft leather has a smooth, soft surface that is particularly cuddly and makes you feel like you are sitting on clouds.

Both types of open-pored leather are characterized by a pleasant, soft feel. This flexibility allows for ideal adjustment to the horse's back while maintaining high stability, comfort and quality.

No fats or waxes are used to care for nubuck and soft leather, as these products can clog the pores of the leather. We recommend our care series:

Barefoot leather care

Cares for and nourishes all types of leather and is particularly suitable for caring for open-pored leather types. Used regularly, it protects leather from external influences and maintains its elasticity. 200 ml can including sponge.

Barefoot Leather Cleaner

Removes dirt and sweat very thoroughly. Easy to use - simply spray on, rub in lightly and remove residue. Spray bottle 500 ml.

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Wir, das ist das Team um Peter Pfister, seine Frau Meggi, Tochter Steffi, deren Mann Christoph Schade und ihren Töchtern Anna und Lina und ihrem Sohn Aaron. Gemeinsam betreiben wir das Pferdezentrum Meggi's Farm. Hier leben wir mit unseren Pferden. Hier betreuen wir unsere Gäste. Hier bilden wir Pferde aus und von hier aus starten wir zu unseren Kursen und Messen in ganz Deutschland und im Ausland.