Elegant safety stirrups with joints, color in gold - brass, decorated, 1 pair
Elegant safety stirrups with joints, color in gold - brass, decorated, 1 pair
Elegant safety stirrups with joints, color in gold - brass, decorated, 1 pair
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Elegant safety stirrups with joints, color in gold - brass, decorated, 1 pair

Sale price€59,95 EUR

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This safety stirrup with joints offers the rider safety because the tread surface is flexible and can give way in the event of a fall, minimizing the risk of getting caught. Decorated with elegant floral decorations.

Color: gold brass

Delivery: 1 pair

This stirrup is a real eye-catcher with its beautiful and very elegant, not exaggerated decoration.

The safety stirrup with joints offers the rider safety because the tread surface is flexible and can give way in the event of a fall, minimizing the risk of getting caught.

The articulated stirrup offers more comfort and relief for the rider without being unstable. Ligaments and tendons are protected.

A very comfortable stirrup to ride.

Tread surface 11 x 4.4 cm

Color Material: Gold Brass

Delivery: 1 pair

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Wir, das ist das Team um Peter Pfister, seine Frau Meggi, Tochter Steffi, deren Mann Christoph Schade und ihren Töchtern Anna und Lina und ihrem Sohn Aaron. Gemeinsam betreiben wir das Pferdezentrum Meggi's Farm. Hier leben wir mit unseren Pferden. Hier betreuen wir unsere Gäste. Hier bilden wir Pferde aus und von hier aus starten wir zu unseren Kursen und Messen in ganz Deutschland und im Ausland.